15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Development of a Position-Sensitive Gamma-ray Camera Using Novel Scintillator and an MPPC

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Board: 64
Poster Scintillating Detectors


Shunsuke Kurosawa (Tohoku Universtiy)


Recently, we have developed novel crystals such as Ce:GAGG and Ce:La-GPS, and up to now, we succeeded in growth of 2-inch-diameter bulk crystal. Here, Ce:La-GPS has a good light output of over 35,000 photons/MeV, good energy resolution of ~ 5% at 662 keV (FWHM) and no hygroscopic nature. As the next step, we have assembled a scintillation array camera with La-GPS pixel scintillators, and this array was coupled coupled to a Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) array. We succeeded in obtaining the 2-dimension image in flood-field irradiation of gamma rays from a Cs-137 source, and each pixel was well-separated. In this presentation, we show the results of its gamma-ray imaging.


Shunsuke Kurosawa (Tohoku Universtiy)


Mr Akihiro Yamaji (Tohoku University) Prof. Akira Yoshikawa (Tohoku Ubiversity) Mr Hiroyuki Chiba (Tohoku University) Dr Kei Kamada (Tohoku University) Mr Rikito Murakami (Tohoku University) Mr Takahiko Horiai (Tohoku University) Mr Yasuhiro Shoji (Tohoku University) Dr Yuji Ohashi (Tohoku University) Dr Yuui Yokota (Tohoku University)

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