Gianluca Aglieri Rinella
The ALPIDE chip is a CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor being
developed for the Upgrade of the Inner
Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment at CERN Large Hadron
ALICE is the first experiment at LHC implementing a large detector
with MAPS technology.
The ALPIDE chip is implemented with a 180~nm CMOS Imaging Process and
fabricated on substrates with a high-resistivity epitaxial layer.
It measures 15~mm by 30~mm and contains a matrix of 512$\times$1024
pixels with in-pixel amplification, shaping, discrimination and
multi-event buffering.
The readout of the sensitive matrix is hit driven.
There is no signaling activity over the matrix if there are no hits
to read out and power is consumed proportionally to the occupancy.
The requirements on detection efficiency above 99\%, fake-hit
probability below $10^{-5}$, spatial resolution of $5~\mu m$ are met.
The capability to read out Pb-Pb interactions at 100~kHz is provided.
The power density of the ALPIDE chip is projected to be less than ${\rm
35~mW/cm^2}$ for the application in the Inner Layers and below
${\rm 20~mW/cm^2}$ for the Outer Barrel Layers, where the occupancy is
This contribution will describe the architecture, design and main
features of the final ALPIDE chip, planned for submission at the
beginning of 2016.
Early results from the experimental qualification of the pALPIDE-3
full scale prototype predecessor will also be reported.
Gianluca Aglieri Rinella