Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

29 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Europe/Istanbul timezone

The ICTP – Eurasian Centre for Advanced Research (ICTP-ECAR) is hosting an international conference entitled “First Joint METU-IPM Conference on LHC Physics”. The activity will be held at the ICTP-ECAR, located at the Izmir Institute of Technology campus, from 29 September – 3 October 2015.

This meeting will focus on the LHC physics as well as upgrades. It intends to introduce the subjects to the young students and scientists of the region. The main experimental and technical topics related to the LHC will be reviewed by the leading scientists of the field.


  • Higgs Physics
  • Supersymmetry
  • Top Physics
  • Flavour Physics
  • Forward Physics
  • Heavy Ion Physics
  • Cosmology
  • Detector Physics
  • LHC upgrades

Organizing Committee

  • Hessameddin Arfaei, IPM, Iran
  • Bugra Bilin, METU, Turkey
  • Mojtaba Mohammadi, IPM, Iran
  • Altug Ozpineci, METU, Turkey
  • Saeid Paktinat, IPM, Iran
  • Koray Sevim, IZTECH – ICTP-ECAR, Turkey
  • Mehmet Tevfik Zeyrek, METU, Turkey (Chair)

International Advisory Board

  • Nural Akchurin, Texas Tech University
  • Tahmasib Aliev, METU
  • Farhad Ardalan, IPM – SUT
  • Kerstin Borras, DESY
  • Tiziano Camporesi, CERN
  • Didier Claude Contardo, CERN – IPNL
  • Jorgen D’Hondt, Vrije Universiteit Brussels – IIHE
  • Durmus Ali Demir, IZTECH
  • Daniel Denegri, CEA
  • Fabiola Gianotti, CERN
  • Peter Jenni, CERN, Albert Ludwigs, Universitat Freiburg
  • Mohsen Khakzad, IPM
  • Shaban Khalil, Zwail City of Science and Technology
  • Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider, CEA
  • Namık Kemal Pak, METU
  • Albert De Roeck, CERN
  • Batool Safarzadeh, IPM
  • Tejinder Virdee, Imperial College London
  • Claudia Wulz, CERN – HEPHY
  • Ali Ulvi Yilmazer, Ankara University

Invited Speakers

  • Nural Akchurin, Texas Tech University
  • Bugra Bilin, METU
  • Altan Cakir, ITU
  • Kerstin Borras, DESY
  • Didier Claude Contardo, CERN – IPNL
  • Jorgen D’Hondt, Vrije Universiteit Brussels – IIHE
  • Daniel Denegri, CEA
  • Guray Erkol, Ozyegin University
  • Bora Isildak, Ozyegin University
  • Mohsen Khakzad, IPM
  • Shaban Khalil, Zwail City of Science and Technology
  • Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider, CEA
  • Olga Kodolova, Moscow University
  • Luca Malgeri *, CERN
  • Majtaba Mohammadi, IPM
  • Alexandre Nikitenko, Imperial College London
  • Altug Ozpineci, METU
  • Saeid Paktinat, IPM
  • Amr Radi, British University in Egypt
  • Albert De Roeck, CERN
  • Sezen Sekmen, Kyungpook National University
  • Ismail Turan, METU
  • Ayben Karasu Uysal, Karatay University
  • Claudia Wulz, CERN – HEPHY
  • Taylan Yetkin, YTU
  • Batool Safarzadeh, IPM

* to be confirmed

This conference will create a synergy between young scientists and students in the field and we will be able to join our efforts toward LHC and related studies and boost our contributions to this area of science significantly.

Young scientists, postdocs and PhD students from the Region (such as Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, and others) and from elsewhere are encouraged to attend the conference. Limited funds are available for supporting some successful applicants from developing countries, to be selected by the organizers. Such financial support is available only to those who attend the entire conference. There is no registration fee for attending the Conference.

Application deadline for abstract submission is 15 July 2015.

