Millennium Technology Prize & Innovations for a Better Life

CERN IdeaSquare

CERN IdeaSquare

The one million euro Millennium Technology Prize ( ) promotes technological innovations that improve the quality of people’s lives in a sustainable manner. The prize was established in 2004 and has been awarded to seven great innovators who have developed technological innovations to tackle the great challenges of mankind: learning, health and clean environment. The first prize was awarded to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the World-Wide Web while still working at CERN. The nomination period for the 2016 Millennium Technology Prize is now open and Technology Academy Finland (TAF) arranges a series of panel discussion worldwide to draw attention to the themes of the Prize and to promote nominations for high caliber candidates for the 2016 Prize. In cooperation with the IdeaSquare at CERN, a partner with Aalto University Design Factory, TAF arranges a panel discussion on “Sensory and imaging technology in science, health and security”. The panel discusses the current and future potential and societal impact of these breakthrough technologies. The event is targeted at potential nominators of the Millennium Technology Prize, i.e. the academic and business community. Panelists include representatives of health and security companies, researchers and academia. The panelists are: 1) Prof. Peter Dendooven, KVI-CART University of Groeningen, 2) Dr. Andrea Cuomo, Executive Vice President, ST Microelectronics, 3) Dr. Sergio Bertolucci, Director of Research, CERN. The moderator is Luke Collins, Editor of the Tech Design Forum.
There is a live webcast for this event
    • 3:00 PM 3:05 PM
      Welcoming words 5m
      Speaker: Rolf Heuer (CERN)
    • 3:05 PM 3:15 PM
      Finland’s Millennium Technology Prize – science and innovation award promoting sustainable growth 10m
      Speaker: Dr Juha Yla-Jaaski (TAF)
    • 3:15 PM 3:20 PM
      Greeting by Ambassador of Finland to UN 5m
      Speaker: Mrs Paivi Kairamo (Finnish Mission to UN)
    • 3:20 PM 4:45 PM
      Sensory and Imaging Technology in Science and in Medical and Security Applications 1h 25m
      Speakers: Dr Andrea Cuomo (ST Microelectronics), Mr Luke Collins (Tech Design Forum), Prof. Peter Dendooven (University of Groeningen), Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)
    • 4:45 PM 5:00 PM
      Q&A 15m
    • 5:00 PM 5:15 PM
      End of session at IdeaSquare, transfer to Restaurant 2 15m
    • 5:15 PM 7:00 PM
      Cocktails and Networking 1h 45m 504/R-002 (CERN)



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