Entrepreneurship meet-up #5

61/1-009 - Room C (CERN)

61/1-009 - Room C


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At the fifth Entrepreneurship Meet-Up, representatives from two entrepreneur teams will take the floor to present what they are working on. One of the teams is developing and commercializing a multipurpose CO2 cooler called TRACI (Multipurpose Refrigeration Apparatus for CO2 Investigation). The other team met at The PORT Hackathon. Now they spend their spare time developing the next generation body bags in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

What makes them believe in their concepts? How did the team come together? How have they gotten to this stage of development, and where will they go from here?

    • 18:10 18:40
      Entrepreneurial Experience: Body bags 30m
    • 18:40 19:10
      Entrepreneurial Experience: TRACI 30m