Sep 10 – 11, 2015
Lyon Convention Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone

We are pleased to announce the third workshop in the series, WAMHTS-3. This meeting will be held in Lyon, France, on 10 and 11 September 2015. It will immediately follow the closing of EUCAS’2015 and will be held in the same venue in order to facilitate participation. The workshop is organized by the EuCARD2-WP10 (Future Magnets) collaboration.

While WAMHTS-1 was dedicated to “Conductor” and WAMHTS-2 to “Coil Technology”, WAMHTS-3 will have a strong focus on “Magnet Protection”, though maintaining a broad overview of all general issues on HTS for accelerator magnets. It is the opinion of most designers that HTS materials ease magnet stability at the detriment of quench detection and, consequently, magnet protection. We intend to:

  • review the various techniques for quench detection;
  • assess the actual needs for accelerator magnets in terms of active protection and time scale;
  • compare simulation codes and data on quench evolution measured in a suitable experimental set up and in real magnets.

The workshop will start on Thursday 10th September 2015 at 2 PM and will last until Friday 11th September at 5 PM. On Thursday afternoon we will review the status of conductor and magnet design options for the EuCARD-2-Future Magnets program, as well as the US and Japanese companion programs, which will provide the framework for the quench protection discussion. Friday will be fully dedicated to detection and protection issues. A workshop dinner is planned on the evening of Thursday 10th September, hosted by the workshop organisers. Participation in this event is by invitation only. People not having received an invitation and who wish to participate can contact the member of the IOC of their region.

Lucio Rossi, WAMHTS-3 Chair

Lyon Convention Centre
Roseraie 1 & 2