27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

Hadroproduction of phi-mesons in the Quark-Gluon String model up to the LHC energies

Not scheduled
UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

Clark Kerr Campus 2601 Warring St Berkeley, CA 94720 United States
Contributed Talk


Carlos Merino (University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain))


We present the predictions obtained into the frame of the Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM) for the phi-meson production in hadron-nucleon collisions for a wide energy region up to LHC, as well as their comparison to the available experimental data. The QGSM quantitatively describes the spectra of secondary phi, as well as the ratios of phi/pi- and phi/K- production cross sections.


Carlos Merino (University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain))


Prof. Gevorg H. Arakelyan (A. Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Yerevan (Armenia)) Prof. Yuli M. Shabelski (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NCR Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, St.Petersburg (Russia))

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