27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
UC Berkeley
US/Pacific timezone

J/Psi Production at Forward Rapidities in Ultra-Peripheral Pb-Pb Interactions

30 Jun 2016, 11:00
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre (Clark Kerr Campus)

Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre

Clark Kerr Campus

Contributed Talk Quarkonia II


Orlando Villalobos Baillie (University of Birmingham (GB))


Ultra-Peripheral Pb-Pb collisions, in which the two nuclei pass close to each other but at an impact parameter greater than the sum of their radii, provide information about the initial state of nuclei. In particular, J/psi production, where the particle mass sets a hard scale, proceeds in such collisions by photon-gluon interactions, and gives access to nuclear PDFs. The ALICE collaboration has published measurements of UPC J/Psi production in LHC Run 1 in the rapidity range -4.0 < y < -2.5, and has obtained a substantially larger data set in 2015 from LHC Run 2. In this talk, the latest available results will be given.
On behalf of collaboration: ALICE


Orlando Villalobos Baillie (University of Birmingham (GB))

Presentation materials