Strangeness: Plenary I
- Jurgen Schukraft (CERN)
Strangeness: Plenary II
- Raimond Snellings (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
Francesca Bellini
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
28/06/2016, 09:30
Plenary Talk
Herbert Stroebele
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
28/06/2016, 10:00
Plenary Talk
Romain Holzmann
28/06/2016, 11:00
Plenary Talk
Exploiting the (nearly) full gamut of particles emitted in nucleon- and heavy-ion
induced reactions at few-GeV energies, the HADES experiment at GSI is pursuing
a systematic investigation of cold and hot nuclear matter effects.
I will give an update on the current and planned HADES physics program,
with a particular emphasis on open and hidden strangeness observables.
Shengli Huang
(PHENIX Collaboration)
28/06/2016, 11:30
Plenary Talk
Bjoern Schenke
(Brookhaven National Lab)
28/06/2016, 12:00
Plenary Talk