Particle Production
- Boris Hippolyte (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
Astrid Morreale
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
30/06/2016, 11:00
Contributed Talk
One of the key signatures of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is the modification of hadron transverse momentum differential cross-sections in heavy-ion collisions (HIC) as compared to proton-proton (pp) collisions. Suppression of hadron production at high transverse momenta ($p_{\mathrm{T}}$) in HIC has been explained by the energy loss of the partons produced in the hard scattering processes...
Wei Li
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS)
30/06/2016, 11:20
Contributed Talk
Measurements of non-photonic electron(NPE) production at RHIC show similar suppression as light hadrons at high pT in central Au+Au collisions with respect to scaled p+p collisions. However, the interpretation is complicated by the combined contributions from charm and bottom decays. It is important to separate out the bottom contribution for a better understanding of heavy flavor production...
Wojciech Florkowski
(Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)
30/06/2016, 11:40
Contributed Talk
We analyze the transverse-momentum spectra of strange hadrons produced in Pb + Pb collisions at the collision energy √{sNN}=2.76 TeV for different centrality bins. Our approach combines the concept of chemical nonequilibrium with the single-freeze-out scenario. The two ideas are realized in the framework of the Cracow model, whose thermodynamic parameters have been established in earlier...
Alberto Caliva
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
30/06/2016, 12:00
Contributed Talk
Dielectrons are a unique tool to probe several stages of the space-time evolution of the hot and dense system created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. They carry unaffected information since once produced they escape the medium with negligible final-state interaction. The low-mass region of the dielectron spectrum (m $<$ m$_{\rho}$) is interesting to study virtual direct photons...
Roy Lacey
(Stony Brook University)
30/06/2016, 12:20
Contributed Talk
The pseudorapidity density ($dN_\mathrm{ch}/d\eta$) for p($\bar{\mathrm{p}}$)+p, p+A and A+A(B) collisions, and the mean multiplicity $\langle N_\mathrm{ch}\rangle$ for $\mathrm{e^- + e^+}$, $\mathrm{e^{\pm}+p}$, and p($\bar{\mathrm{p}}$)+p collisions, are studied for an inclusive range of beam energies ($\sqrt{s}$). Characteristic scaling patterns are observed for both...