Chemical Freeze-Out
- Anton Andronic (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Viktor Begun
(Jan Kochanowski University)
28/06/2016, 14:00
Contributed Talk
New results of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration at the CERN SPS on mean hadron multiplicities in proton-proton interactions are analyzed within the transport models and the hadron resonance gas (HRG) statistical model. The chemical freeze-out parameters in p+p interactions and central Pb+Pb or Au+Au (A+A) collisions are found and compared with each other in the range of the center of mass energy...
Volodymyr Vovchenko
28/06/2016, 14:20
Contributed Talk
The hadron-resonance gas (HRG) model with
the hadron type dependent eigenvolume (EV) corrections is employed to fit the hadron
yield data of the ALICE and the NA49 collaborations.
The influence of the EV corrections is studied within two different formulations of the eigenvolume HRG model.
For the case of the point-particle HRG the extracted values of temperature and chemical potential...
Jean Cleymans
(University of Cape Town)
28/06/2016, 14:40
Contributed Talk
The Tsallis distribution has been widely used by the PHENIX, STAR, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS collaborations to fit the transverse momentum distributions of particles produced at RHIC and at the LHC. We consider certain aspects of the Tsallis distribution, in particular
the validity of mT scaling,
the universality of the parameters appearing in the distribution,
difficulties in obtaining the...
Tamas Sandor Biro
(MTA Wigner RCP)
28/06/2016, 15:00
Contributed Talk
**A review of simple statistical concepts leading to power-law tailed hadron energy distributions is given, distinguishing mechanisms near to and far from thermo-dynamical equilibrium. In the former case special attention is given to connections with non-Gaussian fluctuations and modern entropy formulas, while in the second the analogy with growing network statistics is most expedient.
Helmut Oeschler
(University of Heidelberg)
28/06/2016, 15:20
Contributed Talk
Recently, two experimental observations have attracted high interest: 1. The maxima in the excitation function of the K$^+$/$\pi^+$ and $\Lambda/\pi^+$ ratios around $\sqrt(s_{\rm NN})$ = 8 GeV, while no maximum is seen in the K$^-/\pi^-$ ratio. 2. A continuous evolution of the ratios (multi-)strange-over-pi as a function of the multiplicity in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC...