17–21 Jan 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone


19 Jan 2005, 16:40
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Effect of the compressed Schedule on the Installation Session 6 - Effects of the compressed Schedule on the Installation


Mr Rüdiger Schmidt (CERN)


The roadmap towards fully operational LHC controls will be discussed. Controls for beam operation are similar to other CERN accelerators. From the experience gained in the TI8 tests, with milestones such as the commissioning of LEIR, TI2, the controls for LHC will be realised with the same building blocks as used today. Hardware commissioning will provide a different challenge with an large scale use of industrial solutions for accelerator control. Already long before first injection into the LHC, controls for vacuum, cryogenics, quench protection, powering interlocks and power converters must be fully operational. Current plans for the installation and commissioning of the controls infrastructure will be explained and the main aspects highlighted. The generic controls facilities required for the commissioning of the hardware and for beam operation will be discussed with emphasis on how the work advances in the different domains (post-mortem, logging, alarms, timing, specific applications, etc.). The requirements, in particular for Hardware Commissioning, and how they translate into existing controls and / or technical specifications will be addressed. The presentation is based on the summary of a AB-CO meeting (CO-Day) that is being organised in December.

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