17–21 Jan 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

LHC Operation with Heavy Ions

17 Jan 2005, 16:25
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
oral Scheduling LHC Operation Session 2 - Scheduling LHC Operation


Dr John Jowett (CERN)


Pre-requisites for switching from p-p to Pb-Pb operation of the LHC (optics,controls, vacuum, instrumentation, etc.). Plan for commissioning the main rings with lead ions. Differences from p-p operation (RF, vacuum requirements, beam instrumentation, separation and optics in collision). Evolution of beam intensity,emittance and luminosity; effect of vacuum, the number of experiments illuminated, length of fills and any reduction in beam energy. Elucidation of performance limits (quenches from Pb81+, collimation) in the "Early Ion Scheme" and evolution to nominal luminosity.

Primary author

Dr John Jowett (CERN)

Presentation materials