17–21 Jan 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Update on LHC installation schedule

19 Jan 2005, 14:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Effect of the compressed Schedule on the Installation Session 6 - Effects of the compressed Schedule on the Installation


Dr Sylvain Weisz (CERN)


The impact of the QRL delay on the schedule will be discussed. A number of activities will have to be executed in parallel. A compressed schedule needs to be compatible with the resources available in the various groups involved. The manufacturing limitations and the possibilities to provide the required equipment at the required dates may also lead to dangerous shortcuts. The talk will describe how the input from the different equipment groups is taken into account by the master schedule planning team with respect to equipment availability and production as well as logistics and safety issues in the tunnel.

Primary author

Dr Sylvain Weisz (CERN)

Presentation materials