17–21 Jan 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

What will the geometry of the Main Bends and Short Straight Sections (SSS) be ?

20 Jan 2005, 09:50
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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oral Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning Session 7 - Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning


Elena Wildner (CERN)


We make a brief overview of activities related to the geometry of the main dipole and the main quadrupole. The blocking of the central support of the dipole has contributed to the stability of the cold mass in the cryostat. Work on the measurements of the spool pieces (magnetic and mechanic) has been carried out. Collection of measurements on the quad axis measurements in data bases has been made and a first report on these measurements can now be made. Work on the vertical alignment has given results for the position of the ends of the dipole. We will give a review of the results of the measurements and the analysis made so far: the shape (the axis), the interconnectivity and the spool piece positioning. We will also give some results for the cold warm relations. The effect on geometry of interconnection and the aperture and the feed-down related to shifts will be discussed. First results on the long term stability and related issues will be mentioned.

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