17–21 Jan 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Installation strategy: which lessons from sector 7/8?

20 Jan 2005, 14:30
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning Session 7 - Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning


Mr luca bottura (MTM)


This talk is the summary of the Magnet Evaluation Board experience in the magnet allocation for the sector 7-8. I will outline the role and functioning of the Board, and its evolution since beginning of 2004. I will then describe the installation algorithm followed, with some reasoning on the background and the expected gain in terms of mechanical aperture, of dynamic aperture, and overall performance. I will give practical examples where the work had to be adapted to schedule or other constraints, and the compromise found in these cases. The lesson learned, and the changing work hypothesis on storage and installation, are such that the slot allocation procedure is changing to an optimization over a complete arc. I will finally discuss open points such as the difficulty found in completing a sector, the allocation of magnets other than dipoles, and possible flexibility in moving allocated magnets to other sectors.

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