Lucio Rossi
20/01/2005, 09:00
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
The LHC main magnet production is well beyond half way and today the end by
September 2006 is in view. Warm and cold test assures us that the LHC nominal
targets are well at hand, while final assessment for the ultimate performance needs
a further year of cold testing. The dipoles quench level, which is recovering toward
the extremely good performance of the beginning of the...
Karl Hubert Mess
20/01/2005, 09:25
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
The status of the corrector magnets and of the warm and cold magnets
in the insertion region is discussed, as well as issues with the
injection line magnets. In particular the performance in view of the
commissioning is adressed. Other points discussed are spare and
repair policies.
Elena Wildner
20/01/2005, 09:50
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
We make a brief overview of activities related to the geometry of
the main dipole and the main quadrupole. The blocking of the central
support of the dipole has contributed to the stability of the cold
mass in the cryostat. Work on the measurements of the spool pieces
(magnetic and mechanic) has been carried out. Collection of
measurements on the quad axis measurements in data bases...
Ezio Todesco
20/01/2005, 10:35
Beam Commissioning
The expected field quality of the main magnets of the LHC based on
the measurements carried out over a significant fraction of the
production is given.
Main dipoles, main quadrupoles and insertion quadrupoles are
analysed.The more critical parameters and cases of field components
out of targets are pointed out, and the implications on the beam
optics are outlined.Corrective actions...
luca bottura
20/01/2005, 11:00
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
The talk gives a summary of data (and their location) as is planned
to be collected
in warm and cold conditions in the various LHC magnets. This data
can and shall be
made available for start-up. I will present a view on how the data
can be used, in
practice, to prepare for injection, forecast ramps of the main
magnets and
correctors. To achieve this we need information from...
Walter Venturini Delsolaro
20/01/2005, 11:25
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
The contribution will concentrate on the aspects of the magnetic
behaviour of correctors which may be relevant for the machine
operation. Warm measurements,measured excitation curves at cold,
correlation between the warm and cold field measurements and
comparisons of the field quality to the targets for LHC will be
discussed. The measured magnetic hysteresis and its possible...
Davide Tommasini
20/01/2005, 14:00
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
Due to delayed start of magnet installation, about 800 dipoles are
being stored outdoor waiting for being transported to the LHC
tunnel. To explore in details the possible impact of such a storage
on the cryodipole system (magnetic, electric,training, mechanic,
geometry, cryogenic, vacuum) a dipole long term stability (DLTS)
task force has been organized. After an overview of the...
luca bottura
20/01/2005, 14:30
Magnet Issues affecting Beam Commissioning
This talk is the summary of the Magnet Evaluation Board experience
in the magnet
allocation for the sector 7-8. I will outline the role and
functioning of the Board,
and its evolution since beginning of 2004. I will then describe the
algorithm followed, with some reasoning on the background and the
expected gain in
terms of mechanical aperture, of dynamic aperture, and...