The workshop will cover all aspects of electronics for high rate particle colliders,
underground and neutrino experiments, astrophysics and space applications.
Emphasis will be placed on R&D for future experimentation including
developments in deep sub-micron technologies.
Please note that the Wednesday session will be a more interactive workshop
session with both talks and discussion interspersed, so the agenda should be
treated as a guide.
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(2) Click on
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, choose the material type (paper, slides), find the file to submit by the browse button and submit.
Additional Information
The purposes of the workshop are
to review electronics progress for the LHC experiments
to present results and original concepts for electronic research and development relevant to possible future upgrades of the LHC
to present innovative electronic developments for other particle, astroparticle and space physics experiments
to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics within and between the different LHC experiments
to promote collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities
The conference programme includes invited plenary talks and parallel sessions for contributed papers, complemented by poster presentations. Several sessions of the conference will be dedicated to topical issues where impromptu contributions from participants are encouraged.
The main subjects of the workshop are recent research and developments in the following areas relevant to particle physics experiments:
Tracking, Calorimetry, Muon Detection and Triggering Systems;
Astrophysics and Space Applications;
Custom Analogue and Digital Circuits;
Circuit Developments in Deep Sub-micron Technologies;
Applications of Programmable Digital Logic and Embedded Processing;
Optoelectronic Data Transfer and Control;
Radiation and Magnetic Tolerant Components and Systems;
Electronics Assembly and Hybrid Packaging Technologies;
Production, Testing, Quality Assurance and Reliability;