12–16 Sept 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Advanced Automatic Testing and Calibration System for ATLAS CSC on Detector Electronics.

Not scheduled




Mr Sachin Junnarkar (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The ATLAS muon spectrometer will employ Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) to measure high momentum muons in the extreme forward regions [1]. The on-detector electronics for the ATLAS CSCs performs amplification, analog buffering, and digitization of the charge signals from individual cathode strips. We present production test architecture for on chamber electronics comprising of custom highly programmable 192 channels pulse generator, and a PCI technology based advanced data acquisition and control system: Read out and Test Amplifier Shaper Module (ASM), PCI Acquisition and Control (RATPAC). We also report progress on production and testing of the electronics.


I. Introduction:
The CSC system is designed to measure high momentum muons in the extreme forward
regions (pseudorapidity 2.1 < || < 2.7) of the ATLAS detector [1]. Its principle
of measurement is to determine the hit coordinates by interpolating charge
deposited on adjacent strips. Those strips are coupled to the preamplifier and
shaper ASIC designed in Agilent Technologies 0.5 μm CMOS technology. Second set of
on detector signal processing electronics module, called Amplifier Shaper Module II
(ASM-II) is responsible for analog storage, digitization of AC-coupled preamplifier
outputs and transmission of the digitized data to off detector Readout Device
(ROD). Those modules are currently under production and testing phase. Production
testing involves functional testing and calibration of 30720 channels on each type
of modules, effectively 61440 channels in total. An automatic testing and
electronics calibration system is developed at BNL. The system has two main
hardware components and LabView based Data Acquisition and Control Software (DACS).
Hardware includes a Highly Programmable 192-channel Charge Injector (HPCI) and
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Acquisition and Control, Read out ASM and
Test (PACRAT) custom designed printed circuit boards (PCB).


HPCI is programmable via parallel port on a Windows PC to configure any random
combination of 192 channels. Programmability is incorporated in the DACS. Amount of
injected charge is controlled by on board 12 bit Digital to Analog Converters
(DAC), programmable via DACS. HPCI fits in a standard 19” test rack and the pack
of ASM-I and ASM-II modules can be easily plugged into the front panel for testing.

PACRAT is a PCI Version 2.1 compliant data acquisition and control PCB. It supports
PCI to and from local data transfers up to 70 Mb/sec. It has two independent DMA
channels with scatter-gather capability. It is supported by low level PCI drivers
for MS Windows and Linux. PACRAT contains two high speed 4MB Static Random Access
Memories (SRAM) banks. It has two HDMP-1024 Giga bit link (G-link) receivers to
receive data from and one HDMP-1022 G-link Transmitter to send readout control
signals to the ASM-pack under test.

DACS is a Lab View based interface program developed to control and acquire data
from PACRAT, and also send signals to HPCI. The program also runs real time display
and statistical analysis on ASM-Pack outputs. It records calibration data for every
ASM-Pack into the production database.

V. Status
Complete setup for testing ASM-packs is functional and being currently used for
production testing and production test results will be available by the time of the


Mr Sachin Junnarkar (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Mr Alexander Khodinov (State University of New York, Stonybrook) Mr Anand Kandasamy (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Jack Fried (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Paul O'connor (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Sri Harsha Maramraju (State University of New York, Stonybrook) Dr Vadim Gratchev (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Valeri Tcherniatine (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Venetios Polychronakos (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

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