12–16 Sept 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

ATLAS DAQ/HLT infrastructure

15 Sept 2005, 11:00






The ATLAS DAQ/HLT equipment is located in the underground counting room and in the surface building. The main active components are rack-mounted PC's and switches. The issues being resolved during the engineering design are powering and cooling of the DAQ/HLT equipment, monitoring of the environmental parameters, installation and maintenance procedures. This paper describes the ongoing activities and presents the proposed solutions.


The ATLAS DAQ/HLT system handles data coming in parallel from the detector. The
readout system, located in the underground counting room, and the computing farm,
located in the surface building are both based on rack-mounted PC's and network
switches. They are now entering the installation stage and therefore need an
operational infrastructure. It includes counting rooms design, rack selection,
supply of electrical power from the distribution network and UPS, as well as
cooling of the equipment and monitoring of the environmental parameters.
The engineering design of the infrastructure is a common activity of ATLAS DAQ/HLT
and Technical Coordination together with CERN Technical Support division. The task
of the DAQ/HLT is to define their specific requirements and to find a common
solutions within DAQ/HLT and with other experiments and Information Technology
division. The example is the LHC PC rack project which lead to a common water-
cooling solution for the horizontal air flow inside the racks. For the power
distribution, the DAQ/HLT formulated their requirements, supplied the Technical
Coordination with results of preliminary studies and working together towards the
most cost effective final design. The implementation of the monitoring of the
environmental parameters is a full responsibility of the DAQ/HLT. We are aiming to
have a single coherent management and monitoring tool based on IPMI, Linux tools
and standard tools developed for the ATLAS Detector Control System and integrated
into overall operation of the experiment. Installation and maintenance procedure of
the DAQ/HLT equipment is supported by the Rack Wizard - a graphical interface for
electronics configuration and cabling databases.


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