Kendall Reeves
(Uni. Wuppertal)
15/09/2005, 11:00
The innermost part of the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS ) experiment at the LHC
(Large Hadron Collider) will be a pixel detector, which is presently under
construction. Once installed into the experimental area, access will be extremely
limited. To ensure that the integrated detector assembly operates as expected, a
fraction of the detector which includes the power supplies and...
Christoph Hoermann
(University of Zuerich/ Paul Scherrer Institut)
15/09/2005, 11:25
The central part of the CMS pixel detector will consist of about 800 modules, which
are mounted on three concentric barrel layers. The radii of the layers are 4cm, 7cm
and 11cm. The modules cover an area of 66.5mm * 18.5mm and have 66560 pixels. The 16
Read Out Chips are connected to the sensor by bump bonds.
The performance of the prototype modules has been evaluated in detail in...
Marcos Turqueti
15/09/2005, 11:50
The efforts of the Pixel Detector R&D group at Fermilab have been concentrated on
meeting the requirements of the pixel detector for the BTeV experiment. In BTeV,
the pixel detector would be located close to the beam, and all collected data would
be read out for use in the lowest level trigger for track and vertex reconstruction
every beam crossing. We present the results of the...
Duc Bao Ta
(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn)
15/09/2005, 12:15
We demonstrate here for the example of the large scale pixel detector of ATLAS that
Serial Powering of pixel modules is a viable alternative powering scheme that have
been devised and implemented for the modules using dedicated on-chip voltage
regulators and modified flex hybrid circuits. The equivalent of a pixel ladder
consisting of six serially powered pixel modules with about 0.3...
Marc Weber
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
15/09/2005, 12:40
Serial powering of silicon detectors can dramatically reduce the number of power
cables. This will relax space constraints, reduce material, and minimize power
losses in cables. A study of the power efficiency of a serial powering scheme for
silicon strip detector modules is performed. Numerical results are presented as a
function of the number of modules, supply voltage, and cable...