Michal Dwuznik
(AGH University if Science and Technology Krakow)
14/09/2005, 14:15
The quality assurance system for semi-industrial production scale of multichip
hybrid circuits is presented. The hybrids are parts of the silicon strip detector
modules of the Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) of the forthcoming ATLAS detector. The
hybrid houses the readout and data transmission ASICs, providing the full
functionality needed for binary readout of double-sided silicon strip...
Markku Oinonen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
14/09/2005, 14:40
The silicon strip detector (SSD) modules cover the two outermost layers of the Inner
Tracking System of ALICE. The SSD module assembly will be performed at three
locations in Europe: Helsinki, Strasbourg and Trieste. After a tedious preparation
period within the whole ALICE SSD collaboration, mass production of the SSD modules
was launched during autumn 2004 in Helsinki. Presently all...