Karl Aaron Gill
15/09/2005, 14:00
The recent progress on the CMS Tracker control system is reviewed in depth, with a
report of activities and results related to ongoing parts production, acceptance
testing, integration and system testing, as well as controls software development.
The integration of final parts into Tracker systems and the subsequent testing is
described taking the Tracker Outer Barrel as an example application.
Matthias Richter
(University of Bergen, Dep. of Physics and Technology)
15/09/2005, 14:25
The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is read out by 4356 Front-End Cards
serving roughly 560000 channels. Each channel has to be configured and
monitored individually. As one part of the overall controlling of the detector this
task is covered by the Detector Control System (DCS).
Since fault tolerance, error correction and system stability in general are major
concerns, a system...
walter Bonivento
15/09/2005, 14:50
The system architecture of the front-end electronics of the LHCb Muon Detector,
consisting of wire-chamber detectors and, for a small region, of triple-GEM
detectors, is reviewed. The design of the front-end boards and of the ASD chip, the
CARIOCA and the CARIOCA-GEM, are discussed in detail, together with the
performances measured both with test benches in the lab and on chamber with...
Sachin Junnarkar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/09/2005, 15:15
The ATLAS muon spectrometer will employ Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) to measure
high momentum muons in the extreme forward regions [1]. Preamplification of the
charge on the strips is performed in the Amplifier Shaper Module I. Amplifier
Shaper Module II performs the analog buffering, digitization of the charge signals
from individual cathode strips and multiplexes the data into two...
Riccardo Vari
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
15/09/2005, 15:40
The ATLAS Barrel Level-1 muon trigger handles data coming from the Resistive Plate
Chamber detectors, structured in three concentric layers inside the air-core barrel
toroid. The trigger classifies muons within different programmable transverse
momentum thresholds, and tags the identified tracks with the corresponding bunch
crossing number. The algorithm looks for hit coincidences...