18–22 Apr 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Presentation of the Collaboration Board questionnaire

20 Apr 2005, 16:30
Mediterranean Grand Ballroom 1 (160 School) (Athens)

Mediterranean Grand Ballroom 1 (160 School)


Ledra Marriot Hotel


Fotis Karayannis (GRNET)


After a successful EGEE year including the positive review evaluation, we need to get all partners’ feedback for the project pros and cons. This questionnaire is intended for all CB members in order to help improve the project’s performance in the areas of project management and administration, as well as in technical aspects, primarily for the EGEE project itself, but also in order to better prepare for the second phase of EGEE (EGEE-II) that will be submitted in September 2005. Your feedback and suggestions are essential, in order to have a complete assessment of the project. The questionnaire will be presented at the Collaboration Board session during the 3rd EGEE conference in Athens.


Fotis Karayannis (GRNET)

Presentation materials