NA3,SA1,JRA1,JRA3: Training on gLite
- Malcolm Atkinson (National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh)
NA3,SA1,JRA1,JRA3: Training on gLite
- Malcolm Atkinson (NESC)
Malcolm Atkinson
20/04/2005, 09:00
Why are we meeting?
- to plan and commit to a transition to gLite training
What do we want to achieve?
(a) A clear understanding of the requirements and
commitments of each activity.
(b) A plan for developing and rolling out gLite
(c) Detailed collaboration plans to enable that
Session 1 (before coffee)
share information & expose...
Robert Harakaly
20/04/2005, 09:05
Does not repeat description of gLite presented Tuesday.
Principal differences from LCG2 that should be covered in courses.
Views on training content and schedule.
Existing relevant material and examples.
Existing resources for gLite training.
20/04/2005, 09:20
Information covered in presentations on Tuesday will not be re-
gLite deployment - schedule and plans - impact on training.
The GUSS facility at Karlsruhe - its interface with training.
Views on training content and schedule.
White John
20/04/2005, 09:35
What security issues should training cover?
What security provision for trining does JRA3 support / recommend?
Views on training content and schedule.
David Fergusson
(National e-Science Centre, University of Edinburgh)
20/04/2005, 09:50
Progress since EGEE conference 2.
Integration with training for gLite.
The roadmap for UIG document production.
Boon Low
(National e-Science Centre, University of Edinburgh)
20/04/2005, 10:00
Review of requirements.
Review of technical options.
Proposed implementation plan.
David Fergusson
(NeSC, University of Edinburgh)
20/04/2005, 10:10
Report of external review and brief summary of courses delivered.
Planning for gLite training
- Curricula
- Expected audiences
- Expected schedules
- Regional plans and commitments
- Required and available material
Concurrent NA3 commitments
Long-term plans and ICEAGE
Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania and INFN)
20/04/2005, 10:25
Report on experiments and experience.
Currently available facilities.
Plans for further gLite facilities on GILDA.
Future t-Infrastructure requirements and plans.
Malcolm Atkinson
(National e-Science Centre, University of Edinburgh)
20/04/2005, 10:35
Draw together the major issues and discussion points to be handled
after coffee.
What information is missing?
What is the consensus on content of courses required?
What training material / hands-on exercises still needs to be
What is the estimate, f(t), of demand for these courses?
What agreement do we have on schedules?
Return after coffee to construct answers
Malcolm Atkinson
(National e-Science Centre, University of Edinburgh)
20/04/2005, 11:30
Results from discussion in session 1
What information is missing? What do we do to create it?
What is the consensus on the required content of courses?
What training material & hands-on exercises still need to be prepared?
What is the estimate of demand for gLite courses?
What are the required schedules?