Emma Hedlund
(Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University)
Outgassing measurements are often performed by vacuum specialists and physicists when
designing new accelerator equipment and experiments in storage rings etc. Such
measurements are, however, rather seldom published. It would be an advantage for the
vacuum community if such results could be made available for the general public by
creating a database. As an example, we could not find relevant data of materials for a
complex particle detector system installed in the UHV system of a cluster-jet target in the
CELSIUS storage ring in Uppsala. We have therefore measured outgassing from various
materials such as multi-layer ceramic printed-circuit boards, flexible printed-circuit
boards, electrical insulators, conductive and non-conductive glue, Kapton-insulated single
conductor cables and Kapton-insulated coaxial cables
Emma Hedlund
(Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University)