Eshraq AL-Dmour
(CELLS, Building C, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain)
ALBA is the Spanish 3GeV, 3rd generation light source to be built near Barcelona.
The circumference of the storage ring is 268.8m with 400mA nominal beam current.
The storage ring will be divided into 16 vacuum sections by gate valves. The vacuum
chamber will be made of stainless steel with electron beam vertical aperture of 28mm
and 72mm width with a slot of 10mm height to connect the vacuum chamber to the
antechamber where crotch absorbers will absorb the unwanted synchrotron radiation.
The pumping will be by lumped ion pumps with an overall pumping speed of 6.104 l/s,
this will maintain an average dynamic pressure of 1.10-9 mbar to achieve a beam
lifetime of 10 hours at the designed current. No in-situ bakeout is foreseen for the
vacuum vessels.
Eshraq AL-Dmour
(CELLS, Building C, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain)
Lluis Miralles
(CELLS, Building C, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain)