Igor Sekachev
(TRIUMF, Canadian National Laboratory)
The proton cyclotron was built at TRIUMF in 1972 and commissioned to full energy in
1974. The volume of the cyclotron vacuum tank is about 100 m**3.The vacuum during
beam production is at 2**10-8 Torr, which is achieved mostly by cryopumping with B-20
cryogenerator and six cryopumps. The B-20 is a Stirling cycle refrigerator, which
supplies helium gas at 16K and 70K to the cryopanels in the tank. The tank is also
equipped with two turbo pumps. The vacuum system has operated for more than 30 years.
The paper will discuss the present status of the cyclotron vacuum system.
Igor Sekachev
(TRIUMF, Canadian National Laboratory)