11–12 Apr 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Vacuum Interlock System for the TLS Storage Ring

12 Apr 2005, 14:15
40-SS-D01 (CERN)



Geneva, Switzerland


Mr Gao-Yu HSIUNG (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)


In order to protect the vacuum system for the Taiwan Light Source (TLS), a vacuum interlock system has been developed. The status of all the vacuum devices, including the sector gate valves, ionization gauges, and the pumps, are monitored and hence the vacuum system can be protected as soon as a vacuum failure happened. In addition, an alarm system has been established to monitor the temperature of vacuum chamber as well as the temperature and flow rate of cooling water system, to avoid the vacuum chambers from melt-down. Recently, the interlock system has been upgraded by including the interlock systems of all the front ends and the temperature alarm system to assure the vacuum quality of the storage ring. This interlock system has been functioned well since the first operation. The architecture of logic design and the features of the interlock system will be described. Besides, a program has been established for archiving the readings of all the vacuum devices and the temperature monitoring systems that can be accessed through the internet for real time comparison of the relationship of various signals. Some experiences of unexpected failures or the malfunctions of the vacuum devices will also be illustrated.


Mr Gao-Yu HSIUNG (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)


Prof. June-Rong CHEN (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center and National Tsing Hua Univ.) Mr Tsai-Fu LIN (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Dr Tzong-Shyan UENG (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Mr Zong-Da TSAI (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)

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