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24–31 Jul 2009
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

High Energy Astrophysics with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

27 Jul 2009, 14:00
Wayne State University

Wayne State University

Detroit, Michigan 48201, USA
Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology I


Elizabeth Hays (NASA/GSFC)


The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has been surveying the gamma-ray sky since August 2008. The Large Area Telescope detects gamma rays over a wide field of view, ~2.4 sr, across a broad energy range, from ~20 MeV to above 300 GeV, and with excellent angular resolution, 68% containment of better than 1 deg at 1 GeV. The capabilities of the LAT have opened a new window for exploring high energy astrophysics. I will present highlights from the broad variety of science being conducted, including the study of outbursts from blazar galaxies, the discovery of a new population of gamma-ray emitting pulsars, the detections of high energy emission from gamma-ray bursts, and the observation of supernova remnants and compact binary systems within our Galaxy.

Primary author

Elizabeth Hays (NASA/GSFC)

Presentation materials