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24–31 Jul 2009
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Scientific Programme

The conference program will include plenary and parallel sessions.
  • Accelerator Physics

  • Beyond the Standard Model

  • Computing in HEP

  • CP-violation

  • Detector Technology and R&D

  • Education and Outreach in HEP

  • Electroweak Physics [W/Z]

  • Field and String Theory

  • First Results from LHC

  • Hadron Spectroscopy

  • Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD

  • Heavy Flavor Physics [bottom, charm, tau]

  • Higgs Physics

  • Low Energy Searches for BSM Physics

  • Neutrino Physics

  • Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology

  • Perturbative and Non-perturbative QCD

  • Top Quark Physics

  • Poster Session