Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Gravitational waves and antennas (4/4)

by E. Coccia (University of Roma, I.)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Gravitational waves and their detection represent today a hot topic, which promises to play a central role in astrophysics, cosmology and theoretical physics. Technological developments have enabled the construction of such sensitive detectors that the detection of gravitational radiation and the start of a new astronomy could become a reality during the next few years. This is expected to bring a revolution in our knowledge of the universe by allowing the observation of hiterto unseen phenomena such as coalescence of compact objects (neutron stars and black holes) fall of stars into supermassive black holes, stellar core collapses, big bang relics and the new and unexpected.
In these lectures I give a brief overview of this challenging field of modern physics.
Topics : Basic properties of gravitational radiation. Astrophysical sources. Principle of operation of detectors. Interferometers (both ground based and space-based), bars and spheres. Present status of the experiments, their recent results and their future prospects.
Video in CDS
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