PSC-01: SEE-GRID kick-off meeting

by Jorge Sanchez

Athens - GRNET premises

Athens - GRNET premises

- Introduction of the consortium members and their objectives with respect to SEE-GRID - Highlight the contract and consortium agreement sections and some of its articles. - Present the management methods to be applied, administrative aspects, communication tools, etc. - Conclude on the methods of information exchange - Understand the Project Baseline, documents, structure, responsibilities - Communicate the administrative and technical responsibilities of partners - Review the task definition, roles and responsibilities, critical path, schedule, resource loading and project budget, update objectives, milestones, results - Finalize the appointment of WP Leaders, Activity Leaders, Project Steering Committee, Deliverable editors - Conduct a first discussion on the project objectives and how they will be measured and assessed. - Plan in the most possible detail the first 3 months of the project and in detail the first 6 months including deliverables - AOB