Conveners:R. Patterson, G.Blair, T. Nakanishi
Gollin, G.
(Univ. of Illinois)
21/04/2004, 14:00
The large size of TESLA's damping rings is dictated by the performance of the kicker, which must eject every nth bunch while leaving adjacent bunches undisturbed. The speed with which the kicker fields can stabilize, then turn off, determines the minimum space between damping ring bunches, and therefore the minimum cirumference of the damping ring.
Novel schemes which might permit a...
Burrows, P.
(Queen Mary, Univ of London)
21/04/2004, 14:30
I will present the results of the FONT and FEATHER experiments on hardware prototyping and beam tests of the intra-train feedback system components.
Yoshihisa Iwashita
(Kyoto University)
21/04/2004, 15:00
A super strong magnet, which utilizes permanent magnet material and saturated iron, is considered as a candidate for the final focus quadrupole in a linear collider beamline. This modified Halbach magnet configuration can have a higher magnetic field gradient than a normal permanent magnet quadrupole (PMQ) or electromagnet. There are some issues to be solved if a PMQ is to be used as a final...