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Biomed Application Developer's course: LCG2 APIs and Web Services



Fergusson D
The course will be scheduled to coincide with the end of the NA4 Biomed activity meeting in Madrid and should be hosted at the same location. Goals: To give Biomed developers a basic understanding of the LCG2 APIs and LCG2 use. To teach the basics of web services by a combination of lectures and practicals. The course will deal with generic web services and is not specific to any EGEE implementation, although it is hoped to give some indications of developments and expectations of gLite. Audience: Application developers with basic knowledge and experience of Java/C/C++ programming. It is expected that Linux workstations will be provided for each participant during the tutorial. The full course agenda and materials will be made available here
  • Wednesday 6 October
    • 09:00 18:00
      LCG2 (usage and APIs)
      • Short update on LCG2 usage: job submission, data management and information service.
        Hands-on exercices on command-line submission
      • LCG2 APIs: job submission, data management and information services programmable APIs (C++ and java)

      Details to be arranged.

      • 09:00
        Introduction 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
      • 10:00
        Authentication, Authorization, Security 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
      • 11:00
        Information System 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
      • 14:00
        Workload Management 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
      • 15:00
        Data Management 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
      • 16:00
        Storage Interface 1h
        Speaker: Flavia Donno
  • Thursday 7 October
    • 09:00 18:00
      Basic Web Services tutorial

      A basic hands-on tutorial aimed at giving an initial understanding of Web Services for Application developers.

      • Presentation of Web Services.
      • Exercices on creating and using web services.
      • Web Services interface to the glite middleware.

      Details to be arranged.

      • 09:30
        Introduction to web services 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson (NeSC)
        more information
      • 10:30
        XMLSchema 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson
        more information
      • 11:30
        Web Services tutorial 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson (NeSC)
        more information
      • 12:30
        Lunch 1h 30m
      • 14:00
        Web Services tutorial 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson
      • 15:00
        SOAP 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson (NeSC)
        more information
      • 16:00
        WSDL 1h
        Speaker: D.Fergusson (NeSC)
        more information