2:30 PM
Heavy ions overview
Gunther Roland
(MIT, Cambridge)
3:00 PM
High pT physics at RHIC
Peter Jacobs
(Department of Physics)
3:25 PM
Status of ALICE construction
Hans Taureg
(CERN, Geneva)
3:55 PM
Physics with ALICE
Guy Paic
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM))
4:20 PM
coffee break
4:45 PM
Heavy ions in CMS
Olga Kodolova
(Institute for Nuclear Physics)
5:15 PM
ALICE TPC construction
Danilo Vranic
(GSI, Darmstadt)
5:40 PM
Status of ATLAS construction
t. b. a.
6:10 PM
ATLAS muon system
Sandra Horvat
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
6:30 PM
ATLAS muon spectrometer alignment
Marija Milosavljevic
(Institute of Physics)
6:50 PM
Status of LHCb construction
Rustem Dzhelyadin
(IHEP Protvino)