9:00 AM
(until 12:35 PM)
9:30 AM
CERN management of the LHC project
Daniel Denegri
10:10 AM
The CMS magnet project
Domenico Campi
10:35 AM
coffee break
11:00 AM
30 years of Hadron Colliders
Michel Della Negra
11:40 AM
Review of SM
Giovanni Ridolfi
(INFN, Genova)
9:00 AM
(until 12:40 PM)
9:00 AM
Split Supersymmetry
Gian Giudice
9:30 AM
Physics beyond SM at LHC
Sten Hellman
(Department of Physics)
10:00 AM
Lepton Flavor Violation, Leptogenesis and the LHC
Reinhold Ruckl
(Institut fuer Theoretische Physik)
10:25 AM
coffee break
10:50 AM
Probing the origin of neutrino mass
Goran Senjanovic
(ICTP, Trieste)
11:15 AM
Search for Solar Axions : CAST
Biljana Lakic
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
11:35 AM
Search for pentaquarks
T. Susa
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
12:00 PM
NLO perturbative QCD predicition for exclusive two-photon annihilation into pseudoscalar meson pair
Goran Duplancic
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
12:20 PM
Schwinger-Dyson approach to meson substructure
Dubravko Klabucar
(University of Zagreb)
9:00 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
9:00 AM
CMS Software and Computing
Claude Charlot
(Ecole Polytechnique)
9:30 AM
Sergio Cittolin
9:55 AM
The CMS High Level Trigger System
Vuko Brigljevic
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
10:15 AM
ALICE Trigger and DAQ – overview
- Mr
10:40 AM
coffee break
11:00 AM
ALICE Trigger and DAQ – simulations
Tome Anticic
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
11:20 AM
ALICE Mass storage system
Linda Vickovic
(University of Split)
11:35 AM
AliEn - ALICE environment on the GRID
Predrag Buncic
(CERN, Geneva)
11:55 AM
GRID Simulation
Eugen Mudnic
(University of Split, Split)
12:10 PM
Data Visualization and Remote Software Maintenance in the Grid
Lea Skorin Kapov
(Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb)
9:00 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
9:00 AM
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Neven Bilic
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
9:25 AM
Phantom appearances of non-phantom cosmologies
Hrvoje Stefancic
(Institute uder Boskovic, Zagreb)
9:45 AM
Under H2O neutrino experiments
Chantal Racca
(IReS, Strasbourg)
10:15 AM
coffee break
10:40 AM
Status of ECAL construction
Bob Brown
(Particle Physics)
11:05 AM
ECAL electronics
Werner Lustermann
(Labor fur Hochenergiephysik)
11:25 AM
ECAL Test beam results
Ludwik Dobrzynski
(Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR))
11:50 AM
APD status and prospects
Nikola Godinovic
(University of Split)
12:10 PM
Pre-calibration of ECAL with cosmic rays
Quentin Ingram
(Nuclear and Particle Physics Department)
8:00 AM
Conference trip
(until 7:00 PM)
2:30 PM
(until 7:00 PM)
2:30 PM
Overview of LEP results
Joachim Mnich
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
3:05 PM
Overview of Tevatron Results
Ivan Kresimir Furic
(University of Chicago)
3:40 PM
HERA results and implications for LHC physics
Hannes Jung
(DESY, Hamburg)
4:15 PM
coffee break
4:45 PM
CP violation results from B factories
- Dr
guy wormser
(LAL Orsay)
5:10 PM
Other results from B factories
Peter Krizan
(Ljubljana Univ. and J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
5:35 PM
Charmless B decays and (non)factorization
Blazenka Melic
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
6:00 PM
Color suppressed contributions to {B^0_d} D_s^{(*)} {D_s^{(*)}
Jan Olav Eeg
(University of Oslo)
6:25 PM
Testing the Noncommutative Standard Model at Colliders
Ohl Thorsten
(Wuerzburg Univ.)
2:30 PM
(until 7:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Heavy ions overview
Gunther Roland
(MIT, Cambridge)
3:00 PM
High pT physics at RHIC
Peter Jacobs
(Department of Physics)
3:25 PM
Status of ALICE construction
Hans Taureg
(CERN, Geneva)
3:55 PM
Physics with ALICE
Guy Paic
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM))
4:20 PM
coffee break
4:45 PM
Heavy ions in CMS
Olga Kodolova
(Institute for Nuclear Physics)
5:15 PM
ALICE TPC construction
Danilo Vranic
(GSI, Darmstadt)
5:40 PM
Status of ATLAS construction
t. b. a.
6:10 PM
ATLAS muon system
Sandra Horvat
(Institute Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb)
6:30 PM
ATLAS muon spectrometer alignment
Marija Milosavljevic
(Institute of Physics)
6:50 PM
Status of LHCb construction
Rustem Dzhelyadin
(IHEP Protvino)
7:30 PM
Cocktail party
(until 9:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Diocletian`s palace tour
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
(until 6:15 PM)
4:30 PM
CMS status
Michel Della Negra
(CERN, Geneva)
5:00 PM
Financing of LHC projects and CMS
Achille Petrilli
5:25 PM
CMS tracker construction
Ariane Frey
(CERN, Geneva)
5:50 PM
CMS muon system
Fabrizio Gasparini
(Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei)
2:30 PM
(until 6:25 PM)
2:30 PM
Higgs Boson Production at LHC
Hollik Wolfgang
(MPI Munchen)
2:55 PM
Review of Higgs in CMS
Alexandre Nikitenko
(Imperial College)
3:20 PM
Importance of taus in MSSM Higgs detection
Ritva Kinnunen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
3:40 PM
Aspects of photon reconstruction
Elizabeth Locci
4:00 PM
coffee break
4:30 PM
Physics with the CMS tracker
Lucia Silvestris
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
4:50 PM
Sparticle Reconstruction at LHC
Alessia Tricomi
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
5:15 PM
Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons in CMS
Caroline Collard
(Ecole Polytechnique)
5:35 PM
Heavy gauge bosons at LHC
Anne Sylvie Nicollerat
(ETH, Zurich)
6:00 PM
Physics at future linear collider
Klaus Desch
(University of Hamburg)
7:30 PM
Conference diner
(until 10:00 PM)