GDB Meeting in Lyon

Wednesday 16 March 2005 - 10:00
CCIN2P3 in Lyon, France

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
16 Mar 2005
10:00 Introduction - Kors Bos (NIKHEF)   ()
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10:30 Open Science Grid - VIcky White (FermiLab)   ()
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10:45 Building the OSG infrastructure - Rob Gardner (Univ. of Chicago)   ()
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11:15 OSG Organization, core middleware and interoperability with LCG - Ruth Pordes (Fermilab)   ()
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11:45 Grid Operations - Doug Pearson (Indiana Univ.)   ()
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12:00 US ATLAS Facilities - Bruce Gibbard (BNL)   ()
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12:15 US CMS Facilities - Ian Fisk (FNAL)   ()
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12:45 Alice-US - Larry Pinsky (Univ. of Houston)   ()
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13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 CCIN2P3 Site Report - Fabio Hernandez (CCIN2P3)   ()
14:30 BaBar @ CC-IN2P3: an example of data management in a Tier A/1 - Jean-Yves Nief (CC-IN2P3)   ()
15:00 D0 Data Management & Grid Computing at CCIN2P3 - Tibor Kurca (IN2P3)   ()
15:30 Service Challenges Report - Jamie Shiers (CERN)   ()
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16:00 discussion - All   ()
16:30 a.o.b. and next meetings - Kors Bos (NIKHEF)   ()
17:00 --- End of the meeting ---