Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

The cosmic microwave background (2/5)

by Zaldarriaga, M. (Harvard University, USA)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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The Cosmic Microwave Background has become an indispensable tool for cosmology. The measurement of its frequency spectrum firmly established the Hot Big Bang model of the Universe. Measurements of anisotropies in its temperature and its degree of polarization provide the earliest snapshot we have of the universe, giving us information about its state at the epoch of hydrogen recombination approximately 300,000 years after the Big Bang. The anisotropies can be used to constrain many of the parameters in the cosmological model, such as the mean density of baryons and dark matter as well as the curvature of the Universe. In this lectures I will review the physics of the temperature and polarization anisotropies. I will discuss the mechanisms that lead to the anisotropies and how cosmological parameters can be inferred from the observations. I will also discuss secondary anisotropies, those produced by the large scale structure of the universe as the photons travel from recombination. I will discuss other observational probes currently used in cosmology and explain how they complement CMB observations and provide a variety of consistency checks on our models.
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