Kazunori Akai
The KEK B-Factory (KEKB) is a high-luminosity asymmetric energy electron-positron
collider to support physics research programs on CP-violation and other topics in B-
meson decays. The RF system for KEKB was designed to cope with difficulties arising
from high current stored beam. It has two types of innovative heavily damped
cavities for stabilizing coupled-bunch instabilities due to higher-order modes and
the accelerating mode. Several feedback loops are implemented including the direct
RF feedback and the zero and -1 mode longitudinal coupled-bunch oscillation
dampers. To protect the Belle detector and beam-line hardware components from
unstable beams caused by RF trips, a fast beam abort triggering and monitoring
system has been developed.
New RF stations are being constructed for the crab cavities to be installed next
year for further increase of the luminosity. We describe the design features,
operating status and future plans of the KEKB RF system.
Kazunori Akai