10–13 Oct 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Workshop to Workshop: Four Years of Low Level RF Development*

10 Oct 2005, 09:00
Bldg. 40, Room 40-S2-A01 (CERN)

Bldg. 40, Room 40-S2-A01


invited Opening Session


Mr Curt Hovater (Jefferson Lab)


The first LLRF workshop was held at Jefferson Lab in April 2001. Since then, many of the questions posed at that workshop have been answered while new issues have arisen. Two topics that resonated at that the first workshop were issues of Analog vs. Digital, and Self Excited Loop (SEL) control vs. Generator Driven Resonator (GDR) control. A number of talks were given on both subjects, and useful, if not passionate, discussions ensued. Digital LLRF has matured since the first workshop, and with the increasing number of installed digital LLRF systems it has become the obvious choice for moderate to large accelerators. In the debate between SEL and GDR control, the consensus was that the choice is application driven. Each has specific advantages depending on the application. In the past four years a number of LLRF systems have been installed, and new accelerators have been proposed that raise new challenges for the LLRF community. This talk will give a review of the first workshop, discuss some of the work that has gone on since that time, and look at the issues that we are concerned about today. *This work was supported by DOE contract No. DE-AC05-84ER40150.


Mr Curt Hovater (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials