Working Group 4: ADC/DAC (C. Hovater)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: DSP topics (B. Chase)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: Receiver Technology (F. Pedersen)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: Control of ferrite shifters (Y. Kang)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: System Software / Verification (P. Joireman)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: Summary
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: Discussion
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
Working Group 4: Master Oscillator / Distribution (F. Pedersen)
- There are no conveners in this block
Working Group 4: Platforms (L. Doolittle)
- Brian Chase (FNAL)
The Convenor for this working group is Dr. Brian Chase and the Scientific Secretary Dr. Edmond Ciapala.
The mini-oral presentations have been assigned to the different working groups, however the exact times of the presentations will be decided by the convenor at a later date. Note that oral presentations, 39,42,50 will be presented in a joint session with WG3. Again the convenors will decide the timetable for this.
Sungil Kwon
11/10/2005, 14:45
oral mini talk
Resonance control of the low level RF control of the linac accelerator system
achieves the match between the driving RF frequency and the cavity resonance
frequency, the match between the cavity resonance frequency and the linac design
operating frequency. First of all, these matches are obtained by adjusting the
driving RF frequency to the cavity resonance frequency. When the driving...
Jaroslaw Szewinski
(Institute of Electronic Systems Warsaw Univ of Technology / Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY), Mr
Piotr Pucyk
(Institute of Electronic Systems Warsaw Univ of Technology / Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY)
11/10/2005, 16:07
oral mini talk
The FPGA based cavity simulator and controller provides the features and
which is unique in todays control devices used in LLRF system. The software which
provided for the hardware operation can be used also for algorithms development. It
consists of two control enviroments DOOCS and Matlab based. The first one is
dedicated for the regular device operation during the...
Axel Winter
12/10/2005, 14:30
oral mini talk
Yoon Kang
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
12/10/2005, 16:00
oral mini talk
In generation and distribution of high power RF for charged particle accelerators,
a fan-out configuration to power many cavities using a high powered klystron is
considered advantageous in saving construction and installation cost. High power
fast RF phase shifters can be used to construct a vector modulator for independent
control of RF amplitude and phase delivered to an...