Opening Session
- Trevor Linnecar (CERN)
Opening Session
- Trevor Linnecar (CERN)
The Scientific Secretary of this session is Dr. Thomas Bohl
Curt Hovater
(Jefferson Lab)
10/10/2005, 09:00
The first LLRF workshop was held at Jefferson Lab in April 2001. Since then, many of
the questions posed at that workshop have been answered while new issues have
Two topics that resonated at that the first workshop were issues of Analog vs.
Digital, and Self Excited Loop (SEL) control vs. Generator Driven Resonator (GDR)
control. A number of talks were given on both subjects,...
Kazunori Akai
10/10/2005, 09:30
The KEK B-Factory (KEKB) is a high-luminosity asymmetric energy electron-positron
collider to support physics research programs on CP-violation and other topics in B-
meson decays. The RF system for KEKB was designed to cope with difficulties arising
from high current stored beam. It has two types of innovative heavily damped
cavities for stabilizing coupled-bunch instabilities due to...
Makoto Tobiyama
(KEK Accelerator Laboratory)
10/10/2005, 10:30
Transverse bunch-by-bunch feedback systems for curing coupled-bunch instabilities
have been working well since the early stages of the commissioning of the rings. To
meet requirments of 90 degrees of phase shift, suppression of the static component
and adjustable digital delay, a high-speed digital filter system with two-tap FIR
functionality has been developed. Beam diagnostic systems...
Dan Van Winkle
10/10/2005, 11:20
The PEP-II Low Level RF systems incorporate multiple feed back loops to control the
cavity impedance as well as maintain the operating point regulation. The system
incorporates several recording and playback buffers which can be used to both setup
and monitor the operating point of the system. In addition, the recording buffers
aid in the diagnostics of hardware failures within the...
John Fox
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
10/10/2005, 11:40
The RF systems in PEP-II use direct and comb loop feedback
techniques to minimize the cavity fundamental impedance driving low-mode
coupled bunch instabilities. The effectiveness of these techniques are
strongly dependent on the linearity and dynamic behavior of the klystron
amplifier in the feedback path.
This short talk will summarize the impedance control techniques in PEP-II,
Mark Champion
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory / Spallation Neutron Source)
10/10/2005, 12:00
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project, which is scheduled for completion in
Spring 2006, will utilize 100 RF systems for acceleration and bunching of the H-
beam. Ninety-six of these systems drive the Linac, which was successfully
commissioned with beam in Aug-Sep 2005. The remaining four RF systems are
presently being tested in preparation for the Ring commissioning run,...
Kevin S. Smith
10/10/2005, 12:30
The RF group within the BNL Collider-Accelerator Department (BNL C-AD) supports the
development, operations and maintenance of RF systems for three operational
synchrotrons (AGS Booster, AGS and RHIC), and is also responsible for RF system
development for a number of upgrades and projects both planned or in progress.
Active projects include the C-AD LLRF Upgrade (upgrade of AGS...