10:30 AM
Ferran Fernandez Banque
(LLS, Barcelona, Spain)
10:30 AM
The Effect of Position Resolution on LoR Discrimination for a Dual Head Compton-Camera
Robert Lewis
(Monash University, Australia)
10:30 AM
Innovative CCD based PSD system
Serena Mattiazzo
(University of Padova, Dept. of Physics & INFN Padova)
10:30 AM
Macroassembly and Performance of the ATLAS SCT Barrels
(University of Oxford)
10:30 AM
GREAT – a Position Sensitive Spectrometer for Studying Exotic Nuclei
Robert Page
(University of Liverpool)
10:30 AM
Diffraction-Enhanced Imaging of normal and arthritic mice feet
Suzanne Crittell
(University of Liverpool)
10:30 AM
PSD Infrared Monitor for Remote Diagnostics of Accelerated Beams and Bunches
Anatoly Maltsev
(JINR. Dubna)
10:30 AM
Fast Scintillator Strip Position Detector with R7400 Photomultipliers Readout used in ZEUS Experiment at HERA II Collider
Andrzej Kotarba
(Polish Academy of Sciences)
10:30 AM
Optics of Position-Sensitive Detectors for Infra-Red Synchrotron Accelerator Diagnostics
Anatoly Maltsev
(JINR, Russia)
10:30 AM
Infrared Synchrotron Diagnostics as a New Perspective Direction in the Physics and Technology of Accelerator Experiments
Anatloy Maltsev
(JINR, Russia)
10:30 AM
Parallel Ionization Multiplier: a gaseous detector for the tracking of minimum ionization particles
Jerome Beucher
(Ecole des Mines de Nantes)
10:30 AM
A readout ASIC for a counting silicon microstrip detector used in a Compton polarimeter
Michael Karagounis
(Universitaet Bonn)
10:30 AM
The design of an active pixel sensor test structure optimised for the readout of scintillator screens
Thomas Greig
(Brunel University)
10:30 AM
Characterisation of CdMnTe for use as a room temperature gamma ray detector
James Parkin
(University of Surrey)
10:30 AM
A miniature X-Ray Diffraction/X-Ray Fluorescence instrument concept
Amir Intisar
(School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University)
10:30 AM
Digital Signal Filtering For Low Noise CCD Readout
Neil Murray
(Brunel University)
10:30 AM
Novel Position-Sensitive Ion-Current Detector Arrays Using a Self-Collection Method for Secondary-Electron Suppression
Junko Kohagura
(Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
10:30 AM
Characterization of X-ray Energy Responses of both n-type and p-type Silicon Tomography Detectors Irradiated with Fusion Produced Neutrons
Junko Kohagura
(Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
10:30 AM
Measurement of a Infrared Synchrotron Radiation of Beam Density Profile and it's Fluctuations
Anatoly Maltsev
(JINR, Russia)
10:30 AM
High-position-resolution neutron imaging detector with crossed wave-length shifting fiber read-out using two ZnS:Ag/6LiF scintillator sheets
Masaki Katagiri
(Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
10:30 AM
A compact PC-based X-ray Imaging System
Asimakis Asimidis
(University of Ioannina)
10:30 AM
A very large area Micro Pixel Chamber
Atsushi Takada
(Kyoto University)
10:30 AM
X-ray tomography systems for observations of electron cyclotron heated plasmas using novel position-sensitive X-ray semiconductor-detector arrays
Junko Kohagura
(Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
10:30 AM
Modelling Orthogonal Strip HPGe Detector Systems
Dale Philips
(Monash University, Australia)
10:30 AM
The operation of ultra-small pore Microchannel Plates as imaging X-ray detectors
Adrian Martindale
(University of Leicester)
10:30 AM
Laser Tests Of Silicon Strip Detectors
Peter Kodys
(Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University)
10:30 AM
RAPID2 Readout for Gas Micro Strip Detector
Kan-Cheung Cheung
(Daresbury Laboratory)
10:30 AM
Optimization of Direct-Scintillator-Deposited Charge-Coupled
Noriaka Tawa
(Osaka University)
10:30 AM
Results of Irradiation Quality Assurance of CMS Silicon Microstrip Sensors
Alexander Furgeri
(University of Karlsruhe)
10:30 AM
Radiation hardness of high resistivity n- and p-type magnetic Czochralski silicon
Gabriele Segneri
(INFN Pisa and Università di Pisa, Italy)
10:30 AM
Short induction gap Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) for X-ray Spectroscopy
Jamil Mir
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
10:30 AM
A Semiconductor Compton Camera Using Position-Sensitive Si/CdTe Detectors
Kazuhiro Nakazawa
(Department of High Energy Astrophysics, ISAS/JAXA, Japan)
10:30 AM
High speed position readout for MCP based space plasma instruments
Dhiren Kataria
(Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London)
10:30 AM
Non-linearity Reduction in Electronic Image Readouts
Jon Lapington
(Space Research Centre, University of Leicester)
10:30 AM
Development of 40 channel waveform sampling CMOS ASIC board for Positron Emission Tomography
Kenji Shimazoe
(Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, University of Tokyo, Japan)
10:30 AM
Position Reconstruction in a Liquid Xenon Scintillation Chamber for Measuring Detection of Low Energy Nuclear Recoils and Gamma-Rays
Francisco Neves
(University of Coimbra)
10:30 AM
Germanium MOS Technology for Infra-Red Detectors
Fred Ruddell
(Northern Ireland Semiconductor Research Centre)
10:30 AM
Position Resolution Considerations for the SmartPET Imaging System
Robert Lewis
(Monash University, Australia)
10:30 AM
Enhancements to the spatial resolution and sensitivity of the MWPC-based PETRRA
Bob Ott
(University of Surrey, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories and the Institute of Cancer Research)
10:30 AM
The DEPFET Active Pixel Sensor for the ILC Environment
Gerhard Lutz
(MPI Halbleiterlabor, Munich)
10:30 AM
Relationship between Real Charges and Image Charges from the Planar smartPET Detector and the Advantages of Wavelet Analysis
David Scraggs
(University of Liverpool)
10:30 AM
Time dependence of the behaviour of silicon detectors
Sorina Lazanu
(National Institute for Materials Physics, Romania)
10:30 AM
P-spray implant optimization for the fabrication of n-in-p
Celeste Fleta
(Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica)
10:30 AM
A Directional Dark Matter Detector
Steven Plank
(University of Edinburgh)
10:30 AM
Automatic method to manufacture 2D Multiwire Proportional Counter frames
Ferran Fernandez Banque
(LLS, Barcelona, Spain)
10:30 AM
Minimizing guard ring dead space in the Si detector with n-guard ring at the edge of the detector
Tanja Palviainen
(Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)
10:30 AM
Direct Charge Sharing Observation in Single-Photon Counting Pixel Detector
Giulio Pellegrini
(Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
10:30 AM
Compositional Analysis of Microchannel Plates Using Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
James Carpenter
(Space Research Centre, University of Leicester)
10:30 AM
Results from the analysis of digitally acquired experimental data collected with the AGATA symmetric prototype detector and its implications to the Advanced GAmma Tracking Array
Matthew Dimmock
(University of Liverpool)
10:30 AM
Hybrid pixel detector development for medical radiography
Robert Lewis
(Monash University, Australia)
10:30 AM
Accurate timing of gamma photons with high-rate Resistive Plate Chambers
R.Ferreira Marques
(Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas , Portugal)
10:30 AM
I-IMAS: a 1.5D sensor for high resolution scanning
Andrea Fant
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
10:30 AM
MHSP with position detection capability
Hugo Natal da Luz
(University of Coimbra)
10:30 AM
A neutron imaging gas detector with individual read-outs
Masaki Kataigiri
(Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
10:30 AM
SmartPET: A Small Animal P.E.T Demonstrator using HyperPure Germanium Planar Detectors
Reynold Cooper
(University of Liverpool)
10:30 AM
Mobility-lifetime products of epitaxial GaAs materials
J.C. Bourgoin
(Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
10:30 AM
SmartPET Image Reconstruction Techniques and Results
Andrew Mather
(University of Liverpool)