The CERN Directorate and the CERN Research Board has asked the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee (INTC) to review the scientific case for the Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics program carried out at the
ISOLDE and n_TOF facilities.
At this meeting, invited scientists will be given the opportunity to present their research activities and discuss plans for future initiatives to the INTC.
The possible upgrades of the ISOLDE and n_TOF, as well as the CERN proton injectors will also be discussed.
The meeting will be organized around the following sessions:
- Nuclear Astrophysics (Conveners: K Langanke, A Mengoni)
- Physics at the two driplines (Conveners: B. Jonson, K Riisager, P. Van Isacker)
- Evolution of nuclear structures, shapes and fission (Conveners: P Butler, K Heyde, W. Nazarewicz)
- Standard model tests (Conveners: K Jungman, N Severijns )
- Applications: Material science, life sciences and nuclear technologies (Conveners: M Deicher, E Gonzalez, Y Kadi)
- Facilities at CERN: Injectors, short and mid-term plans for n_TOF and ISOLDE in European and World contexts (Conveners: R Garoby, M Lindroos)
The members of the INTC will serve as International Advisory Committee.
The NuPAC Organizing Committee is: Juha Äystö (chair), Peter Butler, Jos Engelen, Luis Fraile, Enrique Gonzalez, Franz Kaeppeler, Mats Lindroos, Alberto Mengoni, Karsten Riisager.