Heloise Goutte
In the past few years, experimental studies have revealed many interesting features
of the fission process, such as for instance
i) a transition between single and double-humped mass distributions with a triple-
humped structure for some Thorium isotopes,
ii) a bimodality in the Total Kinetic Energy distributions of some fermium and
transfermium isotopes.
From a theoretical point of view, fission is a very complicated process, in which
many nuclear properties play a role, such as very deformed nuclear configurations,
large amplitude motion, and the coupling between collective modes and /or between
collective modes and intrinsic excitations.
In this talk, we will present a summary of some recent theoretical developments
devoted to
i) fission barriers ii) fission fragment distributions iii) fission fragment
properties such as deformation and spin and iv) the importance of the dynamics.
Heloise Goutte