Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
- Piet Van Isacker (GANIL)
- Karsten Riisager (University of Aarhus)
- Bjorn Jonson (Chalmers University of technology)
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
11/10/2005, 08:30
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
For nuclei far from stability the differences in isobaric masses increases
quadratically and the binding energy of the last nucleon decreases dramatically
making beta-delayed particle emission the dominant decay channel at the drip lines.
Beta decay is a well understood process and allows for a wide variety of
spectroscopic information to be extracted from experiment: level energies,...
Gerda Neyens
(KU Leuven, IKS)
11/10/2005, 09:10
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
In this presentation, we show how nuclear ground state properties like spins,
magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and nuclear charge radii can
provide us with detailed information about the nuclear structure and how systematic
studies of these observable towards the driplines can help to test the validity of
newly developed nuclear models and interactions.
This will be...
Georg Bollen
(Michigan State University)
11/10/2005, 09:35
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
Marek Ploszajczak
11/10/2005, 10:30
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
Thomas Nilsson
(Chalmers University of technology and TU Darmstadt)
11/10/2005, 10:55
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
Our picture of the structure of nuclei is undergoing dramatic changes when systems
far away from the line of stability are studied. Established landmarks in the
nuclear landscape like the magic numbers are weakened or displaced, and the nuclear
spin-orbit interaction appears to diminish. In the most extreme nuclear systems that
can be experimentally studied today, various types of...
Angela Bonaccorso
11/10/2005, 11:20
Physics at the proton and neutron drip lines
Invited oral contribution
The position and even the existence of a neutron and a proton drip lines are among
the great, still unresolved, questions of nature.
In this talk first I will state the problem of Physics at the proton and neutron
drip lines in general terms of understanding the structure of the matter. Then I
will specialize on Nuclear Physics theoretical issues.
A "roadmap" for future research will...