William Marciano
11/10/2005, 13:30
Standard model tests
Invited oral contribution
A new method for computing hadronic effects on electroweak radiative corrections to
low energy semileptonic weak interaction processes is described. Applying this
approach to the extraction of the quark mixing matrix element Vud, Alberto Sirlin
and I find from superallowed nuclear beta decay Vud = 0.97377(27).
Combining that result with recent determinations of Vus from kaon decays...
Klaus Blaum
(Univeristy of Mainz)
11/10/2005, 14:00
Standard model tests
Invited oral contribution
Like few other parameters, the mass of an atom, and its inherent connection with the
atomic and nuclear binding energy is a fundamental property, a unique fingerprint of
the atomic nucleus. Each nuclide comes with its own mass value different from all
others. For short-lived exotic atomic nuclei the importance of its mass ranges from
the verification of nuclear models to a test of the...
Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic
11/10/2005, 14:20
Standard model tests
Invited oral contribution
Precision measurements of correlation observables in nuclear
beta decay constitute a sensitive tool to search for signatures
of new physics beyond the standard electroweak model. Over the
past decade, measurements in nuclear and neutron decays
provided new constraints on the possible presence of exotic weak
couplings as well as new tests of maximal parity violation and
time reversal...