Kick off meeting of the Executive Support Committee.
Installing a small group of people with the authority, resources and responsibility to implement a support plan.
The aim of the meeting is to agree on the list of things to be done in the next six months, and how to get them done (including who is going to do it).
Directions for FZK can be found at and we have blocked some rooms at the Schlosshotel Karlsruhe, Bahnhofplatz 2, D-76137 Karlsruhe, Phone: +49 (0) 721/3832-0.
What is currently on the Roadmap and what is needed additionally. Which priorities do we have for the different extentions?
Wolfgang Thoene & Helmut Dres
Processes in conjunction with Operations15m
Requirements and Workflows from Cern
Piotr Nyczyk
more information
Processes in conjunction with Operations45m
In conjuction with the previous talk we should find a good way to document the processes needed and the let these processes be confirmed by the CIC and ROC managers
Interfaces to other systems30m
First feedback about the WebService interfcae and the new GGUS application.
Which additional systems need to be interfaced and which databases need to be accessable from within GGUS?