CHIPP - LHC computing and analysis workshop

CSCS - Manno

CSCS - Manno

Christoph Grab
CHIPP - Analysis and Computing meeting
  • Thursday 25 August
    • 14:00 16:00
      Physics summaries

      all talks 20+10'

      • 14:00
        Welcome and introduction 5m
        Speaker: C.Grab + M.C. Sawley
      • 14:05
        Physics cases - ATLAS 30m
        Speaker: HP. Beck
      • 14:35
        Physics cases - CMS 30m
        Speaker: G.Dissertori
        more information
      • 15:05
        Physics cases - LHCb 30m
        Speaker: U.Straumann
        more information
      • 15:35
        Status of Middleware / LHC GRID 25m
        Speaker: D.Feichtinger / F.Orellana
    • 16:30 18:30
      Computing reports from institutes (I)

      all talks 20+10'

      • 16:30
        Status at CSCS 30m
        Speaker: G.L.Volpato
      • 17:00
        Computing report - ATLAS - Bern 30m
        Speaker: C.Haeberli
      • 17:30
        Computing report - ATLAS Geneva 30m
        Speaker: F.Orellana
  • Friday 26 August
    • 09:00 12:00
      Computing reports from institutes (II)

      all talks 20+10'

      • 09:00
        Computing report - CMS ETHZ 30m
        Speaker: U.Langenegger
        more information
      • 09:30
        Computing report - CMS PSI 30m
        Speaker: D.Kotlinski
      • 10:00
        Computing report - CMS Uni Zürich 30m
        Speaker: T.Speer
        more information
      • 11:00
        Computing report - LHCb Lausanne 30m
        Speaker: S.Villa
      • 11:30
        Computing report - LHCb Uni Zürich 30m
        Speaker: R.Bernet
        more information
    • 12:00 13:30
      Summary and discussions
      • 12:00
        Wrap-up table for requirements 15m
        Speaker: C.Häberli
      • 12:15
        Open discussion 45m
        Speaker: all
      • 12:45
        Summary and Conclusions 15m
        Speaker: C.Grab
        more information